W-2 Online Filing

Easily file W2 forms online with e-file, print + mail services.

  • Efile W2 forms online and we’ll do the work for you – no forms or envelopes needed!
  • Incredibly easy and absolutely secure
  • W2 efile only or add employee print + mail services
  • Manually enter or import data from a spreadsheet or accounting software

E-fie W2 Forms Online Instantly, Securely and Easily!

Online filing of W2 forms is convenient and economical, and guarantees that forms are filed correctly and securely.

Simply manually enter your data, import it from QuickBooks or use a spreadsheet, and with a few clicks, W2 forms are done completely online!

Not only will we e-file W2 information with the SSA, but can also print and mail employee copies for you.

It’s so simple, you’ll never file W2 forms any other way! No forms or envelopes need to be purchased, and we’ll even take care of that pesky W-3 transmittal form too.

Simply enter your data and we’ll do the rest for about $4 per form when you only have a few forms, or as low as $1.50 per form for a higher volume.

Watch these videos to learn more about W2 online filing.